
Research Article

Gender and side effects of group cognitive behavior psychotherapy

Michael Linden*, Beate Muschalla and Mara Walter

Published: 31 March, 2020 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 014-018

Males and females are different in their interactional behavior, their way of suffering, and their way of expressing themselves. It is therefore supposed that they react differently in group settings. This includes the degree to which they experience burdens and side effects of group psychotherapy. The objective of the study was to explore side effects of group psychotherapy in relation to gender. Seventy one patients in cognitive behavioral group psychotherapy were assessed with the UE G scale (unwanted events in groups). Burdens or side effects were reported by 98.6% of patients, severe and extremely severe burdens by 43.7% of patients. The highest average scores were found for “I was afraid not to know how to proceed in the future (1,34)”, “I realized how complicated everything is (1,32)”, “I have experienced the ongoing group therapy as burdensome (1,29)”, and “I have learned that group therapy is not my thing (1,01)”. Males score higher in their global judgement that group therapy was burdensome. There were no further significant differences in any of the specific items. The data suggest that side effects are a regular companion of group psychotherapy. A major negative effect of group psychotherapy is demoralization because of the observation of other patients, their problems and problem explanations. This is the same for both sexes. Research is needed on how to minimize burdens for patients.

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