
Research Article

Regulatory requirements and assessment of scientific research by a psychiatrist when considering the issue of assigning a qualifying doctor`s category

Shapovalov KA*, Shapovalova PK and Shapovalova LA

Published: 20 April, 2021 | Volume 5 - Issue 1 | Pages: 025-032

Introduction: In accordance with the requirements for the preparation of a report, a physician must provide information on scientific research in the following sections to obtain a qualification category of a specialist: 6. Scientific and practical work (participation in scientific and practical conferences, medical scientific societies, presentations, publications); 11.2. List of publications of the attested in scientific journals and collections, abstracts and 11.3. List of speeches at international, all-Russian and republican conferences.

Material and methods: The analysis of 5 qualification works of a psychiatrist (1997, 2002, 2008, 2013 and 2018) for the scientific component as part of the mandatory requirements for the processing of documents when they are submitted to the Attestation Commission on the assignment of a qualifying medical category in psychiatry . The depth of the study was 24 years. When working on the material, the following methodical approaches were used: system, complex, dynamic, normative, quantitative and situational. Methods of analysis included: historical, analytical and comparison. For the analysis, methods were used: groupings, absolute values, continuous and selective observations.

Results: The psychiatrist GAUZ “KDC” independently or in co-authorship published 223 scientific and educational-methodical publications (total volume of 182.65 conventional author’s sheets), including 90 scientific (39.81) and 143 educational-methodical (142.84) works, in including one monograph and eight textbooks (two of them with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). In the e-library (www.e-library.ru) of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINC): publications - 31; citations - 123; Hirsch index - 3, publications in the journals of the VAK - 13. (https://elibrary.ru/author).

Discussion: The scientific work of a practicing outpatient psychiatrist is assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively, the integral indicator of the psychiatrist’s own participation in each publication of 0.78 conventional printed sheets can be considered as a serious personal contribution to scientific research.

In the regulatory framework of indicators and requirements for registration of the report there is no synchronization in the daily work of a practical doctor, his job duties with the statements of the report. When concluding an employment contract with the employer, there is no mention in it that the doctor should engage in scientific work, and it is an integral part of his functional duties and qualification requirements. The scientific work does not mention the “Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, the section “Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees in the field of health care” for a psychiatrist.

Conclusion: The attitude to the Administrative Regulations on the provision of a public service for assigning a qualification category to specialists engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities should be reviewed in terms of synchronization with the duties of a doctor. The Regulation on the compulsory conduct of scientific research should be introduced, substantiated and provided by the employer or be excluded from the administrative regulations as an independent section and be exclusively recommendatory in nature.

Publications of physicians in scientific journals and collections, theses of reports should motivate their interest, and within the limits of the possibilities of the medical institution to have reasonable financial support, fixed in the employment contract.

An example of a practical doctor who speaks at international, all-Russian or republican congresses, congresses and conferences is an important indicator of his professional growth, an incentive for the disclosure and development of the potential of the medical institution team and the result of proper administrative and organizational-methodological guidance.

The scientific work and publications of a psychiatrist’s practical doctor should be a weighty additional argument in favor of a positive decision on awarding the qualification category he has declared.

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Scientific work; Qualification category; Psychiatrist


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